Letter to The Editor: Acknowledging the City of Malibu’s Department of Public Safety and the People Concern


Dear Editor, 

I would like to acknowledge and express my appreciation for the collaborative efforts of the City of Malibu‘s Department of Public Safety’s Luis Flores, The People Concern’s outreach workers, Jimmy Gallardo, and William Alvarado, as well as Housing Coordinator Tiffany Stuart, COG Outreach Worker Gabriel Graham, Lost Hills Sherriff’s Deputy Frank Espinosa, and Malibu CART’s (Community Assistance Resource Team) dedicated volunteers for the amazing work they did on Tuesday, Aug. 27, in helping a group of unhoused individuals divest of unnecessary belongings, return supermarket shopping carts and ultimately move along from in front of the library on Civic Center Way.

As we know, there is no one reason for homelessness. And there is no one way to address the many years of fear, trauma, hurt, disappointment, frustration, and distrust — a myriad of unknowns. These folks were out in the open for their own protection. Creating a family. Taking turns to protect each other’s belongings. One gentleman, indeed a gentle man, said he would be “going home” on Tuesday, after an older, fragile woman he had taken under his wing leaves for shelter on Monday. 

All had been forewarned that they would need to move from these premises, but still, the change is unnerving and unknown. And each and every person was given the time to be heard, to be helped, to be assisted with patience and compassion. They were treated with humanity. 

This is not a problem that we, in Malibu, can solve. Nor is it our responsibility to do so. But it is our responsibility, morally and socially to do something. “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me” (Matt. 25:40). I am proud and grateful to be working with such a wonderful, supportive group of people. 

The City of Malibu’s program with the unhoused and the working poor should be a template for other communities. The inclusion of street medicine offered by The Venice Family Clinic has made a dramatic difference in helping people achieve their goals. Our housing success rate far outstrips other communities with far greater resources. Thank you. All of you. 

Terry Davis, Malibu CART