LASD Search and Rescue Team cautions hikers of weather conditions

Courtesy LA County Search and Rescue

The Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department and Search and Rescue Team are cautioning and reminding hikers of weather conditions after and even before a rainstorm occurs. 

“The Sheriff’s Department would like to remind you to be very careful if you’re considering hiking during the rain or shortly after a rainstorm,” Deputy Cramoline said. “Hiking before a storm can be hazardous because incoming rain can render stream crossings, since you’ve got to cross, impassable when you return to your vehicle.” 

The search and rescue teams of the LA County Sheriff department perform these types of operations: ‍Extrication and evacuation of victims from cars which have gone over-the-side of mountain roads. Recovery and evacuation of fallen rock climbers; search for lost hikers or skiers; Evacuation of injured hikers, climbers and hunters; and Location of downed aircraft.

Rescues from mines, tunnels or underground utility vaults; Urban disasters including collapsed buildings and rescues from damaged structures; Swiftwater rescue during times of flooding, and Body recoveries.

“Even after a storm you should be very careful about hiking, rivers continue to rise, streams continue to rise even after the rain has stopped,” Cramoline continues. “You can still slip and fall and be swept away, so even after it rains, be sure to be very careful with your decision making.” 

“It is imperative that the public is aware of this dangerous condition our hiking trails and outdoor recreational sites will be under this weekend,” the post says. “Please refrain from hiking while the storms are active.” 

Due to widespread rain and flood conditions, the Paramount Ranch, Cheeseboro, and Zuma Canyon parking lots are currently closed, according to National Recreation Area California. They will reopen as conditions allow.

“Remember if you have any doubts about crossing a stream, don’t drown, turn around,” Cramoline said.

For the list of park closures, visit For the latest updates on the storm and resources for the public, visit