High bacteria levels issued in Malibu beaches during Memorial Day weekend


The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health cautions residents who are planning to visit these Los Angeles County beaches to avoid swimming, surfing, and playing in ocean waters:


· Malibu Lagoon at Surfrider Beach

· Topanga Canyon Beach in Malibu

· Latigo Shore Drive in Malibu

· Escondido Creek at Escondido State Beach

· Solstice Creek at Dan Blocker County Beach

· Marie Canyon Storm Drain at Puerco Beach

· Las Flores Creek at Las Flores State Beach

· Pena Creek at Las Tunas County Beach

These warnings have been issued due to bacterial levels exceeding health standards when last tested.

With the upcoming Memorial Day weekend signaling the start of the busy summer season, Malibu can expect large numbers of visitors, and the city is working with partner agencies to help keep Pacific Coast Highway, (PCH), canyon roads, beaches and trails safe and clean for all to enjoy.

The city encourages residents and visitors to help keep PCH, canyon roads, beaches and trails safe and clean.

The city coordinates annually with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department (LASD), Los Angeles County Department of Beaches and Harbors, California State Parks, Mountains and Recreation & Conservation Authority (MRCA), and the California Highway Patrol (CHP) to prepare for summer crowds.

The city funds the LASD Beach Team annually from Memorial Day to Labor Day. The beach patrols are an important way to address alcohol consumption on the beaches, which is illegal and contributes to drunk driving on PCH and canyon roads. Extra traffic officers are also in place to address safety issues on the road.

Every summer, the city also requests additional patrols by LASD and the Sheriff’s Volunteers on Patrol (VOPs). The VOPs are crucial for parking enforcement to ensure beach access and keep the roadways safe, they monitor and report crime and emergencies, and they help direct traffic and ensure safety at accident sites. 

Although the city does not control access to the state and county beaches in Malibu, the city wants to reassure the Malibu community that it is working with its partner agencies on messaging to visitors to Malibu about the importance of keeping PCH, canyon roads and beaches safe and clean for all.