Pepperdine’s Earth Day Celebration Tuesday, April 5, 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Pepperdine’s Earth Day Celebration incorporates student booths, activities, food, and community organizations. The City of Malibu was invited to participate with a booth to share information about environmental programs and will give the students an opportunity to connect with the environmental community outside Pepperdine.
Elizabeth Rush: Malibu Library Speaker Series with Pepperdine University Tuesday, April 7 at 7:00 p.m.
Pepperdine University’s Elkins Auditorium. The Malibu Library Speaker Series returns in-person for the first time since the beginning of the pandemic for a special Earth Month event with author Elizabeth Rush discussing her books about the impacts of climate change as part of Pepperdine University’s Climate Calling Conference. RSVPs are not required for the free event. For parking and other information, contact the Malibu Library at 310-456-6438 or MStallings@library.lacounty.gov or visit the webpage.
Document Shredding and Household Hazardous & Electronic Waste Collection Saturday, April 16, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Residents can wrap up their spring cleaning at the City’s free household hazardous and electronic waste collection and secure document shredding day. Drop off latex paint, motor oil, batteries and electronics, and bring confidential papers to be shredded securely onsite (limit five standard-sized file boxes per household). Located in the upper parking lot of Malibu City Hall. All attendees are asked to wear a face covering and remain in their vehicles with windows closed while staff removes items from the trunk or pickup bed. For more information visit MalibuCity.org/EnviroCalendar
Park Tales Thursday, April 21, 10:00 a.m., Malibu Bluffs Park
Families and kids ages 2-5 are invited to join the City and the Malibu Library for an Earth Day-inspired story time and art activity. Pre-registration is required on the website.
Organic Recycling Virtual Community Meeting Thursday, April 28, 6:30 p.m.
The City of Malibu and Los Angeles County Public Works (Malibu Garbage Disposal District) invite you to join a virtual community workshop to help community members learn about how to properly separate organic waste, and the importance of organics recycling to fighting climate change and reducing food waste. Representatives from Waste Management and Universal Waste Systems, Malibu’s waste haulers, will answer questions about their organic collection service. For more information visit www.malibucity.org/organics.
Spring and Earth Day Senior Give away, April 29, 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Malibu Senior Center. Seniors are invited to celebrate the arrival of spring and Earth Day. Stop by the outdoor patio next to the Senior Center to receive a goodie bag and say hello to staff. RSVPs are required by contacting Amanda Rigali at MalibuSeniorCenter@MalibuCity.org or 310-456-2489, ext. 357.
Malibu Living Shoreline Community Restoration Event Saturday, April 30, 10 A.M. to 12 p.m.
Community members are invited to visit and help restore the Point Dume dune site of the Malibu Living Shoreline Project. The Bay Foundation staff will provide a brief introduction and discuss the significance of the project. Participants will support restoration and maintenance activities, including removing non-native vegetation, caring for native plants and seeds and repairing other restoration elements. For more information see the calendar listing on the website.