- None.
Previously Discussed Items:
- None.
New Items:
- Receive and File Notice of Intention to Amend the Conflict of Interest Code
- Resolution Extending the Declaration of the Existence of a Local Emergency Regarding
- Conditions on Pacific Coast Highway (PCH)
- Malibu Arts Association Art Show Fee Waiver
- Award Bluffs Park Roof Replacement Project
- Agreement for Annual Routine Street Maintenance Services
- Agreement for Citywide Tree Maintenance Services
- Agreement for Annual Street Sweeping Services
- Professional Services Agreement for PCH Median Improvements – Paradise Cove and
- Zuma Beach
- Los Angeles County Measure R Transportation Funding Agreement Amendment
- Amendment to Professional Services Agreement with Kimley Horn and Associates, Inc
Ordinances and Public Hearings:
- Adoption of Housing Element and Code Amendments
Old Business:
- None.
New Business:
- None.
Council Items:
- None.
To view the full City Council Agenda, visit malibucity.org/virtualmeetings.