Discussion on Next Weeks City Council Meeting on Nov. 28


Discussion on Next Week’s City Council:

November 28:

Ceremonial Presentations:

  1. Presentation of Commendation to Barbara Bruderlin.
  2. Presentation of Commendation to Chris Frost.
  3. Presentation of 2022 Jake Kuredjian Citizenship Award.
  4. Zonehaven Evacuation Zone Map Tool.

Previously Discussed: 

  1. None.

New Items: 

  1. Recommended Action: Allow and approve warrant demand numbers 67540-67662 listed on the register from the General Fund and direct the City Manager to pay out the funds to each of the claimants listed in Warrant Register No. 714 in the amount of the warrant appearing opposite their names, for the purposes stated on the respective demands in a total amount of $767,193.08. City of Malibu payroll check number 5276-5282 and ACH deposits were issued in the amount of $269,259.98.
  2. Recommended Action: Approve the minutes for the January 13, 2022 Malibu City Council Special meeting.
  3. Findings to Hold Virtual City Council, Commission, Committee, Board and Other City Bodies, Meetings Under AB 361. Recommended Action: Consider a motion to reaffirm Resolution No. 22-25, re-authorizing remote teleconferencing/virtual meetings pursuant to AB 361.
  4. Update on Securing Beds for People Experiencing Homelessness. Recommended Action: Receive and file an update on securing beds for people experiencing homelessness at an existing facility outside of the City.
  5. Comprehensive Development Services Review Consultant Agreement. Recommended Action: 1) Authorize the Mayor to execute the Professional Services Agreement with Baker Tilly US, LLP for Comprehensive Development Services Review; and 2) Appropriate $80,850 from the General Fund Undesignated Reserve to Account Number 100-7003-5100-00 (City Manager – Professional Services).
  6. Professional Services Agreement with Solid Waste Solutions, Inc., for Film Permit Services. Recommended Action: Authorize the Mayor to execute a professional services agreement with Solid Waste Solutions, Inc. for Film Permit Services.
  7. Professional Services Agreements for Contract Planning Services. Recommended Action: 1) Appropriate $900,000 from the General Fund Undesignated Reserve to Account Number 101-2001-5100.00 (Planning Department – Professional Services); 2) Appropriate $50,000 from the General Fund Undesignated Reserve to Account Number 102-3002-5100.02 (Fire Rebuilds-Planning); 3) Authorize the Mayor to execute a two-year professional services agreement with Capstone City Planning for contract planning services; 4) Authorize the Mayor to execute a two-year professional services agreement with CSG, Consultants, Inc. for contract planning services; 5) Authorize the Mayor to execute the Professional Services Agreement Amendment No. 2 to the Professional Services Agreement with California Coastal Works for contract planning services; and 6) Authorize the Mayor to execute the Professional Services Agreement Amendment No. 1 to Professional Services Agreement with Rincon Consultants, Inc.

Ordinances and Public Hearings

  1. None.

Old Business: 

  1. None.

New Business:

  1. Malibu Community Labor Exchange Permit Fee Waiver. Recommended Action: Consider whether to approve the request from the Malibu Community Labor Exchange to waive the fees for the Conditional Use Permit application to operate a day labor program on the County property on Civic Center Way.
  2. City Response Letter to Notice of Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report for the Malibu Lower-Cost Accommodations Public Works Plan. Recommended Action: Review and provide comments on a draft comment letter for the Notice of Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report for the Malibu Lower-Cost Accommodations Public Works Plan proposed by the Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority.

Council Items:

  1. None.

To view the full City Council Agenda, visit malibucity.org/virtualmeetings.