Discussion on Next Week’s City Council meeting on May 8


Discussion on Next Week’s City Council:

May 8:

Ceremonial Presentations:

  • Presentation on “Safer from Wildfires” Framework and the New Regulations Making Insurance Available and Affordable for all Californians
  • Presentation on 2022 Environmental Programs Accomplishments (POLLUTION PREVENTION)
  • Update Regarding Separation from Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District

New Items: 

  • Disbandment of the Homelessness Task Force
  • Award Storm Drain Trash Screens Installation Phase Two Project

Ordinances and Public Hearings

  • Appeal Nos. 22-006 and 22-012 – Appeals of Planning Commission Resolution No. 22-46 (33650 Pacific Coast Highway; Owner: Charals Haagan; Appellants: Jake Jenson and the Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority)

New Business:

  • Letter in Opposition to Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors Motion to Take Actionable Steps to Depopulate and Decarcerate the Los Angeles County Jails. Recommended Action: Consider authorizing the Mayor to send a letter to Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors Hilda Solis and Lindsey Horvath in opposition to a proposed motion to take actionable steps to depopulate and decarcerate the Los Angeles County jails.
  • Letter in Opposition to Rotating Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Deputies to Other Stations at Least Every Five Years. Recommended Action: Consider authorizing the Mayor to send a letter to Los Angeles County Sheriff, with copies sent to the Civilian Oversight Commission and Los Angeles County Supervisor Lindsey P. Horvath, in opposition to a recommendation to rotate patrol deputies in periodic rotations, no longer than every five years.
  • Malibu Arts Association Art Show Event Series Fee Waiver. Recommended Action: Consider whether to approve the request from the Malibu Arts Association to waive facility use fees, staffing costs, and permit fees for an Art Show event series at Legacy Park.

To view the full City Council Agenda, visit malibucity.org/virtualmeetings.