Dear Editor: The Malibu Urgent Care

Letter to the Editor: The Malibu Times

The Malibu Urgent Care

Dear Editor, 

I always feel a bit melancholy around Thanksgiving, heading into the Christmas Holiday Season. So many treasured memories that allow me to enjoy a boost of sorts. I try to give appropriate presents to everyone, and I have been wracking my brain going through my list; everyone in the family really seems to have everything already. 

Then it hit me like a warm, comforting hug; I’ll give everyone quality care and continued health. The Malibu Urgent Care has been there for the Stoker Family since Day One; in fact, we spent so much time there I figured the post office would forward our mail.

 Dr. Pike and Dr. Katz are two of the most dedicated clinicians on the planet. The quality of care and deep concern they both possess for their patients is, quite frankly, second to none. I have lost count at the number of times they have saved us from extreme situations, as their acumen has found whatever treatment required to get us on the road to full recovery. So, I will be making Donations to Malibu Urgent Care instead of hours online, saving the roads from the convoys of delivery trucks, and fuel consumed, etc.

 I’ll send my checks to “Friends of Malibu Urgent Care” P.O. Box 6836 Malibu, CA. 90264. They are a 501C3 Tax ID #91-2164055

Which allows you to deduct the full amount of the donation on your Taxes. They truly are the most wonderful Doctors and Nurses.

We couldn’t be more grateful for their outstanding service to our family, and this wonderful community.

Merry Christmas, Cheers.

Dermot Stoker, Malibu