Community Blood Drive at City Hall on June 8

The City of Malibu teamed up with UCLA Health last Friday to host a blood drive at City Hall, bolstering the supply of much-needed blood for local UCLA hospital facilities: UCLA Santa Monica, UCLA Ronald Reagan and UCLA Mattel Children's Hospital. Photo by Jimy Tallal/TMT.

The City of Malibu will be hosting a Community Blood Drive on Thursday, June 8, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at City Hall (23825 Stuart Ranch Road). Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, blood donations and blood supplies had fallen due to facility closures, stay-at-home orders and other impacts. Donated blood is needed every day for surgeries, emergencies and regular medical procedures, and is needed for any natural or human-made disasters. With COVID-19 rates continuing to improve, the City is proud to once again safely resume this life-saving activity. Sign up on the Red Cross website with code “CityofMalibu.” For more information, call 818-200-3445.