Coastal Commission hearing on Sea View Hotel Project scheduled for Feb. 8

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Coastal Commission hearing on Sea View Hotel Project scheduled for Feb. 8 

The California Coastal Commission (CCC) will consider the Sea View Hotel Project proposed Local Coastal Program Amendment (LCPA) on Feb. 8, 2023. For details, see the Notice of Public Hearing. The agenda and staff report for the hearing will be posted on the CCC’s website ( In September 2021, the City Council adopted the environmental document, code amendments and project entitlements for the Sea View Hotel Project. For more information, visit the project webpage ( 

Coastal Commission hearing on low-impact camping set for Feb. 8
On Feb. 8, the California Coastal Commission will consider the Los Angeles County’s Local Coastal Plan (LCP) amendment to propose low-impact camping in the Santa Monica Mountains. The CCC’s executive director will report on the county’s acceptance of the CCC’s suggested modifications. See the proposed plan, including the CCC’s suggested modifications in the Nov. 15, 2022, LA County Board of Supervisors staff report. The Feb. 8 CCC agenda and staff report will be posted on the CCC’s website ( City staff submitted a letter in opposition to the California Coastal Commission. The city has previously prepared letters of opposition to the project on May 22, 2019; April 15, 2022; and Nov. 15, 2022.