City Council approves PCH median improvements

Photo by Samantha Bravo/TMT.

Housing Element and Code Amendments approved by City Council 

During the City Council meeting on Monday, Sept. 23, City Manager Steve McClary and Malibu/Lost Hills Sgt. Chris Soderlund took a moment to acknowledge the recent Safety and Preparedness Fair that took place on Sunday, Sept. 15.

The City of Malibu hosted the sixth annual Safety and Preparedness Fair at the City Hall parking lot. The free event was organized by Malibu’s Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) and featured safety training, an earthquake simulator, a fire extinguisher course, and other safety tips from first responders and volunteer groups. Tents and booths were on displayed and provided residents with life-saving tips in the events of disasters. 

Soderlund provided an update on traffic and safety and mentioned the successfully towed RV on Sept. 12. The LA County Sheriff’s Department (LASD) successfully towed an unattached trailer along PCH at Corral Beach, which had amassed numerous citations.

Soderlund also mentioned arresting a driver for speeding right in front of him.

“When the Corvette exited the property, he decided to floor it and accelerated down PCH about 70-80 miles an hour — right in front of me — so I decided we can’t have that, so I pulled him over, arrested him, and impounded his car for 30 days.”

Soderlund also mentioned a drone program that was recently approved for the Sheriff’s Department. The Malibu Timeswill follow up on this program. Soderlund also said he had a great time at the Safety and Preparedness Fair. 

“It was a great event, there was a lot of kids there, and the In-N-Out was delicious,” he said. 

Also, Mayor Doug Stewart expressed his disappointment following Gov. Gavin Newsom’s veto of Senate Bill 1509, the“NOT in California Act,” a proposed law aimed at combating excessive speeding on California’s highways, specifically the Pacific Coast Highway (PCH). The bill, which sought to impose stricter penalties for repeat speeding offenses, was designed to improve road safety in Malibu and other coastal communities where high speeds have led to numerous fatalities. To read his statement, read article on A1.

For council updates, Councilmember Bruce Silverstein hopes the city will allow the Malibu Film Society to continue its series to take place at City Hall in Malibu. The MFS ended its series on Tuesday, Sept. 24.

McClary provided an update on upcoming meetings and events and also said the Safety and Preparedness Fair was well attended.

“We had over 300 people with over 100 childen here for the event, they enjoyed a variety of educational opportunities — it was a very good turnout,” he said.

McClary also mentioned the recent earthquakes that occurred in Malibu. 

The council moved on to new items and approved the Professional Services Agreement for PCH Median Improvements. Public Works Director Rob DeBoux was at the meeting and answered questions about the project.

The council approved the Planning Clearances Issued for Formula Retail Businesses within Cross Creek Ranch Shopping Center (Location: 23465 Civic Center Way) pursuant to Settlement Agreement between City of Malibu and Cross Creek Ranch Malibu, LLC.

The council approved Support for Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District (SMMUSD) General Obligation Bond Measure MM on the Nov. 5 ballot.

After a break, the council addressed Adoption of Housing Element and Code Amendments. This item was included in the Adopted Work Plan for Fiscal Year 2023-24 and is part of normal staff operations.

The Planning Commission held a hearing on the Revised 2021-29 Housing Element and related LCP and MMC amendments on Aug. 19, and recommended approval of the Revised Housing Element and related LCP and MMC code amendments with two recommended changes to the Affordable Housing Overlay (AHO) zone. The commission recommended the AHO Zone be amended to: 1) require a development agreement for very-low or low-income housing built within the AHO zone; and 2) that very-low or low-income housing built within the AHO zone include a minimum 55-year deed restriction. After the commission action, it was determined that a minimum 55-year deed restriction already exists for an affordable housing development project in the AHO. To view the 548-page document, visit

The next City Council meeting is scheduled for Oct. 14 at the Council Chambers.