‘Can the Trash’ clean Beach poster contest deadline extended to Feb. 14


Five winners from L.A. County Elementary school will have their artwork displayed around more than 800 trash barrels along beaches stretching from Malibu to San Pedro. 3rd, 4th and 5th graders can submit artwork showcasing why it’s important to keep the ocean and beaches clean and healthy. Each winner will also receive a $100 Amazon gift card and other prizes, such as a custom beach bag.

The Los Angeles County Department of Beaches and Harbors announced the deadline for the 2023 contest is now Feb. 14.

Entries can be submitted online at beaches.lacounty.gov/postercontest.

The Can the Trash! Clean Beach Poster Contest and associated educational campaign are designed to teach kids how trash from anywhere in Los Angeles County—no matter if it’s left in the South Bay, San Fernando Valley, the Gateway Cities or East L.A.—can end up on beaches like Dockweiler, Venice and Zuma and in the ocean. The campaign also includes the original “Clean and Blue” video and Ocean Heroes Activity Guide.

For more information about the 2023 poster contest and to view the previous winning posters, visit beaches.lacounty.gov/postercontest.

Note: An electronic media kit for Can the Trash! is available at bit.ly/CanTheTrashMedia.