AYSO kicks off its fall season with Opening Day at Malibu Bluffs Park over the weekend

Leva Magna, Cece Briggs, Lux Gerraghty, Lucy Haskell after a double hitter in GU12. Photo by Dana Rubin

Staff Report

The American Youth Soccer Organization Region 759, the Malibu chapterer kicked off it’s fall season with Opening Day at Malibu Bluffs Park on Saturday, Sept. 9.

The program has been thriving with over 300 players participating and has been an essential community program for Malibu, teaching youth soccer and providing a complete pathway for youth soccer through high school at Malibu Middle and Malibu High School, including club and tournament teams.

This year, the league has 30 coaches, 25 assistant coaches, and instruction provided by Andrew Pearce and his team of trained referees and professional coaches.

Coaches and volunteers are required to take extensive courses in coaching soccer, background checks, and undergo livescan background checks to ensure the safety and well-being of players. AYSO was established in 1965.

This year the league opened up with soccer ball giveaways, Nomad Ice Pops, and pizza after the players’ first game. 

Upper divisions will be playing games against other leagues in Westlake and Agoura, with some teams playing doubleheaders. 

The league is led by five executive board members including Paul Bellamy, regional coordinator; Rebecca Osviowitz, assistant regional coordinator; Scott Schoenberger, treasurer; Amora Magna, safety director; and Nichole McGinley, registrar. 

AYSO is still accepting registration to the division coordinators, Quint Carter for boys soccer at quintercarterpc@gmail.com or Amora Magna for girls soccer at dramora@me.com or go to the website at malibuayso.org to sign up and register your player. For questions and information, please email malibuayso759rc@gmail.com.