Author Mitch Albom inspires readers, writers, and book lovers in the latest Malibu Library Speaker Series

Over 200 guests attended the last Malibu Library Speaker Series of 2023 featuring author Mitch Albom and his latest book "The Little Liar." Photo by Samantha Bravo/TMT

Fans of the writer filled every seat of the Council Chambers at Malibu City Hall

“Maybe the most beautiful word in any language —hope,” author Mitch Albom said in the latest Malibu Library Speaker Series. “Hope is a sliver of light that creeps under the prison door; hope is the drop of water on your tongue when you’re so thirsty you can’t even remember what water tastes like.”

Over 200 guests attended the last Speaker Series of 2023 at Malibu City Hall on Nov. 29, to hear the author and journalist share his latest book, “The Little Liar.” 

Also known for “Tuesdays With Morrie,” “The Five People You Meet in Heaven,” and “For One More Day,” Albom is an internationally renowned and best-selling author, journalist, screenwriter, playwright, radio and television broadcaster, and musician. His books have collectively sold more than 40 million copies worldwide; have been published in 49 territories and in 47 languages around the world; and have been made into Emmy Award-winning and critically acclaimed television movies.

City Councilmember Marianne Riggins welcomed the guests to the program and thanked Malibu Librarian Melissa Stallings, Community Service Department Director Kristin Riesgo, and Recreation Coordinator Amanda Rigali. 

“Without them, honestly none of this would not happen, so thank you,” Riggins said.

After sharing a brief history of his career, Riggins introduced Albom to the stage.

Albom shared a synopsis of the book, held a Q&A, and stayed nearly an hour after to meet and greet his fans.

Albom described how much the earthquake that occurred in Haiti impacted him.

“Three percent of the country’s population, dead in 45 seconds, and 10 percent left homeless,” Albom said. “I went down to Haiti to try to help an orphanage but the things I saw were so heart-wrenching they will never leave me: people missing arms and legs, wondering around the street covered in white dust.” 

That’s when Albom founded Have Faith Haiti, a nonprofit that provides safety, nourishment, education, and opportunity for Haiti’s impoverished children and orphans, and stability for staff and their families in Port-au-Prince. They provide a loving home where children can thrive personally, academically, and spiritually. After graduating from their bilingual academy, children have a pathway to attend college or vocational training and return home as changemakers and leaders in the Haitian community.

Albom ended his presentation with mentioning the person who inspired “Tuesday with Morrie,” Morrie Schwartz, and answered a few questions on how to become a writer.

“I think it’s different for everyone, but first you have to fall in love with storytelling, and I know I became a storyteller at the kitchen table. after dinner all the kids ran off, but I stayed because I was fascinated by the stories,” Albom said. “Long before I picked up a pen, I learned how to tell stories and fall in love with stories by being told stories.”

After the program, guests made their way to the multipurpose room to get their copy signed by Albom and snap a photo with him.

Elementary School teacher Marisela Vara attended the speaker series and brought her Albom book collection to get signed. She was also seen wearing earrings that were Mitch Albom’s book, “Tuesdays with Morrie.” 

“I fell in love with his books by reading, ‘Tuesdays with Morrie,’ 10 years ago; a teacher recommended that book to me, and since then, I’ve always recommended that,” Vara said. “The talk was so inspirational, he talked about current events, I connected with everything he said, we cried, we laughed, he just made us realize how precious life is and to not take it for granted.” 

Vara said she also started a book club with her cousins by reading “The Five People You Meet in Heaven.” 

“We just together fell in love with his work,” Vara said.