Letter: Coping with Illness

Letter to the Editor

I’m writing to share my brief story about my own struggles with depression and anxieties. I was diagnosed in 1995 when there was little known about the illness. And even though it’s been a difficult journey I’ve found comfort not only in Jesus and my family, but also in my favorite singer of them all—Rick Springfield. I’ve been one of his many devoted fans since 1981, when I heard his song “I’ve Done Everything For You.” When he came forward revealing his own personal battle, I felt an even deeper connection to him. He was like a friend growing up as a lonely, recluse teenager ‘til my adult and lonely reclusive life. He’s brave and strong and I want to say that Jesus loves you, Rick, and so do I. And though I’ve never had the honor or privilege of ever meeting you, I’m a fan ‘til the end. I still love you and appreciate you, and listen to your older tunes, for those were there at my youth and wonderful memories flood my soul with joy at the sound of them. And when I’m in the middle of the battle of my own depression, your songs help me cope with my illness. Thanks, Rick Springfield, for being there when I want to give up. And for your older songs that bring me up. God loves you, Rick.

Christine Perreault