Going to the dogs


    There are many facilities a new city such as Malibu needs. A dog park is one of these. Many of us living here have and love dogs. We are no longer permitted to walk them, even on leashes, on the beach or at Zuma, on the road paralleling the beach. The Malibu Community Center which is now the Point Dume Elementary School, does not allow dogs on or off the leash on the premises.

    If land were made available for such a dog park where our canine friends and owners can meet, it could be maintained by those who use it. This could be arranged by a small monthly fee to cover maintenance, insurance, etc. A card key system, such as those used on certain beaches, could be arranged.

    We residents who love Malibu can help create a more viable and cohesive community with a humane approach such as installing a dog park.

    Eleanor Lawrence