I love living in Malibu. It is a warm and embracing community. Before living here my wife and I would visit regularly. One of the things we enjoyed was the Cornucopia-run farmer’s market. It is also something we miss having as a part of our community life.
Cornucopia successfully ran the market for six seasons. A Cornucopia market will return back to our community something local by virtue of the its locally run focus. All of the proceeds go to fund local environmental programs. I can truthfully say that it’s never too early to learn about what makes sense for our planet. The need for a successful and thriving Environmental Learning Center will benefit our community for years to come.
Our entire community will benefit by restoring the farmer’s market and that it be run by Cornucopia. As local residents, the operators know the needs of our small community like no one else.
It is time that the newly elected City Council acts on giving back to us the farmer’s market.
David C. Solinger