Malibu Urgent Care honors donors

Donors who are honored on the new Malibu Urgent Care Center Tree of Life include (from left) Julie Labin (for Michael Koss), Ken House, Debbi and Don Hankey, Linda and Frank Kilpatrick, Marca Kaufer, and Ron and Sandy Stackler. (Not pictured: Paige and Lou Adler, Lani and Herb Alpert, Helen and Steve Clarke, John Paul DeJoria, the Carl and Roberta Deutsch Foundation, Ed Fishman, L&S Milken, the William Mudd Family, Joanne House and Elaine and Phil Roman.)

The Malibu Urgent Care Center unveiled a “Tree of Life” earlier this month in honor of donors to the clinic. Since last October, Helene Eisenberg, one of the founding members of the nonprofit organization Friends of Malibu Urgent Care Center, has raised more than $100,000 for the Tree of Life. The Tree of Life acknowledges donors for helping to support the local urgent care center. Donations are a vital part of maintaining the extended hours of operation of the center.