Laundry Love Program Kicks Off in Malibu

The Malibu Interfaith Group hosts the first Laundry Love day in 2016.

The Malibu Interfaith Group — an organization of local churches and temples — hosted the first Laundry Love day in Malibu on Thursday, March 24. Laundry Love provides free clothes washing at a laundromat for homeless individuals.

The event was coordinated by Lisa Cislo of Malibu Presbyterian Church and Reverend Paul Elder of St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church. Seven clients were picked up from the Civic Center area at 11 a.m. and were transported to Malibu Canyon Laundry in Agoura Hills.

“All costs for the use of machines, detergent, etc. were paid by contributions from the faith group collecting quarters and from contributions from Malibu citizens,” Elder explained in an email to The Malibu Times.

Cislo said that she heard many people say, “I didn’t know about this, but will be ready next time.”

“Because of this,” she explained, “we will have more need for volunteer drivers and donations.”

The next Laundry Love is scheduled for April 14, and will continue every second and fourth Thursday of each month. For more information, call 818.398.4551.