Letter: Democratic Party Woes

Letter to the Editor

The recent Covington Catholic High School scandal unmasked Democrats and their media promoters as liars, willing to falsify news to smear Trump supporters, even innocent teenagers. And despite Jussie Smollett’s slanderous lies, Democrats still insist that MAGA-hatted racists threaten gays and blacks. In fact, instances of Republicans hassling Democrats are rare, while reports of Democrats attacking Republicans are common. So progressives are actually accusing Trump-supporters of crimes they’re committing themselves! Why are they behaving so badly?    

Progressive Democrats have become a cynical, intolerant, self-righteous cult that rejects the Judeo-Christian Ethic, and refuses to treat others the way they wish to be treated. Many are dishonest, even sadistic haters of the political right and center, willing to do anything for power, but unwilling to debate, compromise, or even recognize the humanity of their opponents. They exploit the Constitution for their totalitarian ends, while denying opponents the right to speak. This is now the mindset of millions of Millennials and Generation Z-ers. We’ve raised an entire generation to feel entitled, self-righteous and easily offended, with little appreciation for American citizenship, equal opportunity or the steep price of freedom. And now they’ve become the Democratic Party base.

How did it happen? Beginning with Obama’s presidency, many colleges became centers of hate toward Christians, Jews, Israel, white people and America itself. Muslim extremists and other radicals dominated student governments, preaching identity politics, victimhood and intolerance, ready to lie and even use violence to get their way. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and two overtly anti-Semitic Democratic congresswomen were just elected as a result of this attitude, and it’s spreading to high schools and even elementary schools.

The best way to challenge it would be for centrist Democrats to leave their party en masse and form a liberal Republican Party wing. This may sound unthinkable, but their alternative is to remain in an anti-Semitic, anti-white Democratic Party. But if liberals espouse their causes from within the GOP, they can engage conservatives in constructive political debate, while isolating and killing the leftist progressive monster, and forcing Democrats to reform. Otherwise, America is heading down the same sad road as Europe.

Rueben Gordon