Moving appeal to publisher


    The following letter was addressed to Arnold York

    I just don’t get you. Week after week, year after year you blatantly use The Malibu Times as a forum for yourself and cohort, realtor Rick Wallace, to complain about, berate and insult any follow citizen of Malibu who works towards or voices an opinion about protecting the rare and fragile beauty of this town. Your “reporting” is continually slanted towards promoting developers while maligning community voices of preservation.

    Why do you both choose to live here, of all the places to pick? In all this horrible open space? I can’t figure that out. Except perhaps the financial windfalls that would benefit newspaper advertising and realtors from a town that explodes into massive development.

    Malibu is the only beach community left in the entire LA vicinity with any open land worth fighting for. Is it asking too much to save the one town left? It is in fact the only pristine beach city with any preservable land left. If it bothers you so much that some wish to protect our quickly diminishing gift of open space then why don’t you go live in any of the already overbuilt, overdeveloped communities in Southern California? Then you won’t need to fight so hard to open the doors for developers here, you can leave this one tiny town left to those of us who wish to protect and preserve the only space left. Just leave us one town in live in. I know a realtor who could help you find a new location. There are so very many to choose from; Santa Monica, Manhattan Beach, Redondo Beach, Hermosa Beach, Venice would all be happy to welcome you. You would fit right in -in between the massive traffic jams, crowds, overbuilt hotels, houses and shopping malls. Nirvana for an over-development champion as yourself.

    I, for one, avoid reading this paper. When I do, I am always left with the same thought-you should consider moving. I think you might be happier.

    J. Flora Katz