Letter: Christmas memories


The obituary of Mickey Moore [published March 14] prompts fond memories of Christmas Eve 1969 on Latigo Shore Drive. Our young children were about to retire, looking forward to the morning of expected gifts from Santa, with ashes, an empty milk glass and cookie crumbs on the hearth marking his overnight visit.

We were startled when heavy rapping on the front door and bells started. Upon answering the door, in walked Santa Claus in full Santa regalia and a boisterous flair, exclaiming several times, “Ho, Ho, Ho!” “Merry Christmas!”

Our children were awe-struck and we parents were amazed at Santa’s early, unexpected visit. Our visitor was an exact replica of an animated Norman Rockwell depiction of Santa Claus, complete with black belt and boots, full fluffy white beard and pseudo, natural girth befitting a healthy, robust Santa.

Santa was our neighbor, Mickey Moore. Our family’s appreciation of his visit to our home that night is still vivid in our mind’s eye. It is a wonderful memory of Mickey providing a professional aura of excitement and joy that Christmas season.

Ronald L. Rindge