I dare you to print this in your weekly paper. Us bikers like to pedal on the “White Line,” two or three abreast. The “honkies” need to give us more room.
White Line McCain
“White Line” McCain they call me.
And I’ll ride it every time.
I’ll bike close to the auto lane,
On the “White Line” anytime.
Cars have no more rights than me,
On the “race track,” PCH.
And I didn’t move to Malibu,
Recently of late.
The “White Line” makes me qualified
To ride there if we please.
And no auto-driving honky
Has a right to be displeased.
Let us “pedal jockeys” be —
To ride the “White Line” if we choose.
No one lives forever,
And no one lives to lose.
“White Line” McCain