City Announced Lane Closures Due to Construction

Malibu City Hall

The city has announced a series of lane closures as a result of construction:


Malibu Canyon Road

LA County Public Works will be performing shoulder work on Malibu Canyon Road — from Piuma Road to the tunnel — and a lane will be closed as a result. Construction began on Tue., Oct. 4 and is expected to continue through Fri., Oct. 7. Motorists can expect delays in both directions between the hours of 9 a.m. and 3 p.m.


Pacific Coast Highway

The number two eastbound lane of the Pacific Coast Highway will be closed at Trancas Canyon Road between the hours of 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. due to contractor work. Construction began Mon., Oct. 3 and is expected to conclude on Fri., Oct. 7.