Letter: Preserve Malibu’s character

Letter to the Editor

After a three-year search for a new home that began in our hometown of New York City, we found exactly what we wanted in Malibu. The natural beauty was seductive; its healthy lifestyle is just what we needed; the residents and shop owners congenial.

Since moving here in December 2012, we have seen measurable change that immediately brought to mind the destruction of The Hamptons and many beautiful communities in coastal New England. We have experienced the increased traffic and the excessive pressure on infrastructure and nature that come hand-in-hand with unbridled development. It would be tragic to lose Malibu to the same pressures. 

Experience, knowledge, love of Malibu defines the team of Peak-Mullen-Wagner. They have lived here a combined total of 104 years. They are not only nice guys but proven leaders who embrace the Malibu Vision and Mission Statements. And, most importantly, there will be no learning curve. 

Their shared experience as a firefighter, lifeguard and an EMT demonstrates their concern for the safety of Malibu residents. We need their knowledge to improve the conditions on PCH.

Current Mayor Pro-Tem (Peak), a former mayor (Wagner) and as a community leader (Mullen), know the laws that are already in place to preserve Malibu’s character and how to enforce them. 

Wagner won the Surf Industry 2011 Environmentalist of the Year award the year after Robert Kennedy, Jr.

Peak, Mullen and Wagner will support slow, well-considered growth.

They fully supported ‘Yes’ Measure R, and ‘No’ on Measure W,, and their city council votes would be the best possible insurance policy should Measure R, fail in the courts.

Peak, Mullen and Wagner are the best team to preserve the Malibu we love.

Let’s face it, if I had wanted more shopping, I would have stayed in New York!

Charlotte Jones