Letter: Locker Room Talk

Letter to the Editor

Trump is attempting to excuse his vile language by suggesting that men talk trash in locker rooms, and that that is just men being men. How dare you, Mr. Trump? Only men of your ilk talk about and act towards women the way you do. The vast majority of men do not.

Trump’s misogynistic view of women is well known. This latest revelation of his view of women only adds to that mountain of evidence. But now he has broken new ground. He not only demeans women, he now also demeans men. He tars them with the same brush that he has painted himself. He is attempting to explain his vile comments by suggesting that all men have dirty mouths in the “locker room.” He is wrong. His misogynistic conduct should have already forfeited his women’s vote. His attempted justification of his behavior should now cost him the men’s vote as well.

Hank Pollard