Letter: Outside of fire tax zone


How interesting that Congressman Bill Bloomfield is running for State Senator in our district. Mr. Bloomfield was the author of AB129, the State Fire Tax. Of course Mr. Bloomfield’s district and all cities are exempt from this tax. Only unincorporated areas have to pay.

For those of us outside the city limits, the fee is between $115 & $150, about twice my County Fire Tax assessment. The state naturally does not have any fire resources in unincorporated Malibu so this is an expensive bridge to nowhere. Also these taxes go into the State General Fund where you know they will never see a fire hose or truck.

Senator Pavley and Congresswoman Brownley also voted aye for this bill although dear Senator Pavley’s staff was unaware of her vote so my information came from Mr. Bloomfield’s office. Our state website does not even list this bill so how can we expect them to manage our money?

The only state agency that has a dedicated fire capability is the MRCA listed under the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy website. The MRCA’s first listed goal is brush clearance around their own facilities. I could find neither phone number nor address for these fire people so I would assume one yells loudly when in need of help. There is email contact if you would like to volunteer!

I for one will put my trust in the County Fire Department as I have for over 40 years.

Randy DeGregori