Letter: Be Prepared

Letter to the Editor

This letter was addressed to Malibu Mayor Karen Farrer.

Dear Mayor Farrer,

You may recall that many Malibu neighborhoods lost water by 8 a.m. on the morning of the Woolsey Fire.

This includes my neighborhood, which is no longer a neighborhood.

We lost water because the emergency generators that power the pumps were not trucked to the water tanks until after the Woolsey Fire had passed.

Malibu is under Red Flag Warning until Friday evening, with SCE threatening to cut the power that runs the pumps that fill the water tanks.

I, respectfully, request that you order city staff to truck the emergency generators to the water tanks, disconnect the tanks from SCE and run the Malibu water system off dedicated emergency power.

I further request that you direct the water department to keep the tanks continuously topped up so that in the event of a generator failure water can still flow to the hydrants and homes.

Please also direct the water department to continuously monitor the generators with at least one repair crew on 24-hour standby.

Thank you for your kind and gracious consideration.

Peter C. Jones