Letter: Get the political facts right


I was passing through Malibu, stopped to get a slice of pizza and picked up The Malibu Times. I was disgusted by the response letter from R. Coleman that states, “For the first time in history, U.S. credit downgraded.” The implication is that it was all Obama’s fault. Remember the House Republicans thought they had a major obstructionist hand in that. He also throws out blurbs about “fewest people in the labor force in three decades” and “long-term unemployment highest in 75 years.” Really? We have fewer people working now than in 1982? Really? Unemployment was less in 1937 than now?

Really? No facts, just statements, which seems to be a Republican habit. Just make stuff up. The rest of his rant outlines questionable facts, totally out of context by ignoring the recent financial calamity in 2008 (created by years of “trickle down”) and again solely blames Obama.

Sounds like he authored that Tea Party sign, “Keep government out of my Medicare and Social Security.” And you acknowledge this by printing their babble? Shame on you.

Buz Wolf, Studio City