Coastal Tells Malibu: Let The Surf Shack Take 10 PCH Parking Spaces Permanently – KBUU News


Coastal Commissioners unanimously tell Malibu we cannot regulate parking on P C H.

A business gets Coastal permission to take over 10 parking space on PCH … permanently.

The Malibu Beach Inn wants to go even further in its parking scheme.

Christmas trees almost all gone at the Malibu High lot.

This is Malibu’s Only Local Daily News.

It’s the Friday edition … from Radio Malibu …. 99-point-1 … KBUU News.

Good morning …. I’m Hans Laetz reporting.

Thomas Fire Still Expanding 20 Miles N Of Trancas

A young firefighter from San Diego has been killed fighting the Thomas Fire … 20 miles north of Malibu.

Apparatus engineer Cory Iverson died on the fire lines Thursday … near Fillmore.

Iverson was a Cal Fire employee from the San Diego unit. He started with Cal Fire in 2009.

Iverson is survived by his wife, Ashley, and their 2-year-old daughter, Evie.

The family is expecting a second daughter this spring.

An accident review team would investigate the circumstances of Iverson’s death.

Its the second death connected to this fire.

As for the flames … just 20 miles north of Malibu … the Thomas Fire continues to move towards ranches and isolated houses near Fillmore.

Fire lines and backfires continue to be deployed along the Santa Barbara County coast.

No new evacuation orders yesterday near Santa Barbara.

New evacuation orders for a few scattered houses north of Highway 126.

The fire is now the fourth largest in California history …. at 252 thousand acres … and 35 percent contained.

A NASA airplane has detected temperatures of 13 hundred degrees within the fire.

50 MPH Winds Last Night, Record 12 Days Of Red Flags

Overnight …. Santa Ana winds up to 50 miles an hour hit Malibu.

Red Flag Warnings are up until about 10 o’clock this morning.

Overnight winds were clocked at 50 miles an hour just before midnight in Decker Canyon …

53 miles an hour near Boney Mountain.

39 miles an hour at Zuma Ridge.

48 miles an hour at Upper Las Flores Canyon.

But the winds died down considerably overnight … and are expected to dissipate by midmorning.

The forecast is for winds diminishing this morning.

Malibu has had 12 straight days of Red Flag Warnings.

And that is a record.

Coastal Tells Malibu: Surf Shack Gets Chunk Of PCH

The California Coastal Commission yesterday gave permission to a Malibu surfboard rental shop to have exclusive parking privileges on Pacific Coast Highway … in the heart of Malibu … in perpetuity.

That’s the net effect of the unanimous vote yesterday … slapping down Malibu’s attempt to ban Long term overnight parking near the Malibu Pier.

The owner of the Malibu surf shack … Sean Weber … was the only non-city bureaucrats to testify yesterday at the coastal commission meeting in southern Orange County.

And he poured it on thick … fighting back tears as he cast himself as a lone warrior for coastal access in the hostile city of Malibu.


“The reason I am there today, is that I want to make it perfectly clear on record that if any man, women and especially ….God forbid … a child ….

[[[Long dramatic pause, voice choking]]]]


“Is killed while crossing P C H with a kayak trying to have fun at the beach because of administration’s ordinance …  I will use all my resources to ensure not only the city but specifically city leaders that could have have prevented this are held legally responsible.”  [[[ END QUOTE ]]]

The fact that Weber parks three trucks on PCH … with long trailers … storing his business on the public highway … on a permanent basis… was glossed over by commissioners.

Here’s Commissioner Mark Vargas.


“This proposal by the City of Malibu is similar to to taking a butcher knife or a cleaver … when you need a scalpel … maybe even taking a chain saw when you need a scalpel.” [[[ END QUOTE ]]]

Commissioners said they felt Malibu has done a historically terrible job with parking issues on PCH.

One of them … Aaron Preskin … went so far as to say overturning the overnight parking ban at the pier was a good way to get back at the City of Malibu.


“I keep noticing that we are having access problems in Malibu and for that … I second the motion.” [[[ END QUOTE ]]]

The Malibu parking proposal was shot down on an 11 to nothing vote by the Coastal Commission.

An L-A County plan to ban reinstate an overnight ban on the camper village … on PCH east of Topanga Canyon Boulevard … that was pulled ff the agenda for some backroom negotiations.

Coastal Tells Laguna Beach: Hands Off B and Bs

Malibu wasn’t the only coastal city in the commission’s gunsights yesterday,

The Coastal Commission tossed out a ban on Airbnb-style short-term rentals in residential areas of Laguna Beach.

Commissioners said the city’s ban would result in a net loss of accommodations, thereby violating the commission’s mandate to protect and expand visitor-serving facilities.

The ban would keep people who can’t afford a hotel from staying in Laguna Beach.

Many commissioners did indeed express sympathy for the Laguna Beach residents who testified that … overnight rentals were turning their neighborhoods into hotel zoos.

One commissioner’s solution … move away from the coast.

Commissioner Donne Brownsey she and her husband decided against buying a house they liked on the beach in Fort Bragg, where she lives, because it was on a street full of vacation rentals.

Many Malibu residents have complained of noise, trash and parking conflicts from the purchase of neighboring houses by investors … who have turned them into coastal motels and party houses.


You are listening to the latest news … from Radio Malibu … 99-point-1 … KBUU.

It’s [[[ TIME ]]] .

Malibu Beach Inn Running Public Restaurant Without City Permit, City Says

Malibu has a new restaurant … open to the public.

But it’s not been approved by the City of Malibu … it doesn’t have enough parking … the septic system is too small … and the proposed solution is to have valet parkers weave back and forth with guests cars … across PCH … in the busiest part of the city.

The Malibu Beach Inn was allowed … in 2006 … to open a restaurant …

But … only under the condition that it be available only to hotel guests.

The lot is far too small … under the current permit … it is supposed to have 112 parking places … it only has 58.

But without city permission …. the hotel blew past the 42 approved restaurant seats in the restaurant … up toto 78 seats.

Now … the Malibu Beach Inn wants to add a swimming pool and serve food and drinks on the deck.

They promise to limit the pool restaurant to hotel guests only … but then they also promised the about the restaurant … too.

The owners want to put the pol where the parking lot is … dislocating all but 28 parking spaces that exist right now at the hotel.

The plan …  have the parked cars stored by parking valets across P C H and down a bit … with a new crosswalk to accommodate the zig-zagging valets and the weaving parking pattern on the coast highway.

All this goes to the city Planning Commission on Monday.

MHS Tree Lot About To Sell Out

The Malibu High School Christmas tree lot is nearly sold out.

The tree inventory is shrinking … and the lot will run out this weekend.

The school has cancelled the holiday Chorale event at the tree lot on Monday.

No point singing around an empty lot with some pine needles blowing around.


The time is [[[ TIME ]]] .

We’ll have the traffic in 65 seconds.

Weather for the Malibu.

Sunny with a high of ((( 75 ))) today on the beach … ((( 83 ))) in the Santa Monica Mountains.

Winds could gust as high as 20 mph over the mountains this morning ..…

But they may switch to down coast winds this afternoon.

And that could bring us areas of smoke.

Sunset tonight is at ((( 4:44. ))).

After that ….

Lows ((( 58 ))) at the beach … down to ((( 47 ))) in some canyons.

Tomorrow should be ((( much less dramatic. ))).

Right now … at Trancas it’s (((  67. ))).

Upper Malibu Canyon … (((  66.  ))).

And at Civic Center Los Angeles ((( 56 ))).

In the ocean … ((( 57 )))) in the water at Trancas Tower 14.

Waves today are (((   3 to occasionally 6  ))) feet high.

There is still a pretty good swell coming down the coast from the west .… says the lifeguards. ))).

(((( Tide is going out … to a low at  2:05 PM.

A minor high tide tonight at 8:21.



The KBUU Newswire is posted midmornings … and the radio station is streaming … at and .

Also .. at the Malibu Times website.

Breaking news always goes first on the radio … at F-M 99-point-1.

Our signal now comes in reliably … from County Line all the way to Big Rock … with a couple of holes at Ralphs and Dan Blocker Beach.