Op-Ed: On the Malibu Lagoon


As always, Mr. Lyon is wrong about the lagoon restoration. He has again misinterpreted, and then misrepresented the facts in his recent Op-Ed piece. 

Here are the facts: 

Lyon issue #1: No Hydrology studies 

No project of this size and importance could be designed and implemented without extensive hydrological studies. The studies included detailed modeling of the circulation, both an open and closed condition, to evaluate different channel configurations and how they would perform. These studies were the basis for the precision design of the newly restored Malibu Lagoon. The tides reach the exact elevations as marked on the islands and winter ramp. The wind now circulates the water throughout the entire lagoon, including the area formerly known as the “dead-zone.” Thus far, the lagoon is performing better than expected. Tidal circulation has dramatically increased during an open condition, and wind driven circulation is vastly improved during closed conditions. This is exactly what the hydrologists, engineers and project proponents said would occur. Now, the lagoon fish and wildlife are truly thriving and will continue to improve as this restoration matures. 

Lyon issue #2: Algae paddy going from bank to bank 

Interesting how the picture I took this morning of the same place in your picture doesn’t show the same amount of algae one day later… I wonder why? Yes, algae is in the Lagoon, as well as Malibu Creek and throughout the watershed. This lagoon restoration was intended to clean out pollutants and restore the circulation within the western channels that are sandwiched in by ten neighboring Colony residences, the Perrenchio golf course, PCH and the adjacent Cross Creek shopping malls. It was never intended to eliminate algae because of the significant up-stream influence of nutrient rich creek water circulating through the lagoon. There are major sources of nutrients upstream and adjacent to the lagoon that cause algal blooms. As these sources of nutrients are reduced by implementing water quality laws that prevent the nutrient issues, the quality of the lagoon will continue to improve. Nonetheless, algae is a natural occurrence in a functioning lagoon system. There will always be algae in the lagoon. The improved circulation will now prevent an inordinate accumulation of decomposing algae on the bottom that robs dissolved oxygen from the water. The wind driven circulation in the newly restored lagoon will oxygenate the water and will protect against the extremely low levels of dissolved oxygen that prevented fish and other aquatic wildlife from fully thriving. But let’s be clear, algae is a food source for certain species of fish and birds, which are important to the natural lagoon (estuary) system. 

Lyon issue # 3: Rindge Dam no hydrology studies and 150 million dollars 

As always, any project that impacts or changes hydrology will be meticulously studied. The Rindge Dam study has been ongoing for more than 10 years. Millions of dollars have been spent studying the hydrology, sediment regime, flood protection, wildlife habitat, and improved beach sand replenishment associated with the dam removal. No price tag has been stated for the removal of Rindge Dam nor has the method by which the dam might be removed been decided upon, however nothing even close to 150 million has ever been mentioned within the community of long-term environmentalist. 

Andy, facts are facts.