President visits Malibu for event at Streisand/Brolin home


The President came to town this weekend to visit with Barbara Streisand, Jim Brolin and a few of their well-heeled Hollywood friends, and to pick up a bunch of bucks for his new Presidential library.

But to three Malibu kids, ages 9, 8 and 4, they’ll always remember it as the day the President stopped his motorcade to shake their hands and to sign their poster.

Hallie Sills, 8, stood with her older brother GT Sills (you’ll have to ask him what it means), 9, younger brother Danny Sills, 4, and their mom Laureen Sills, by the side of Zumirez Road where they knew the presidential cavalcade of limos and black Suburbans were going to pass. The kids held up their sign asking the President to stop. Much to everyone’s delight, the presidential cavalcade stopped suddenly, under the watchful eye of a bunch of very suspicious Secret Service agents who jumped out and told everyone not to move. Then the word came through–“The President wants to meet the children.”

President Clinton got out of his limousine and spoke to the kids, patted their heads, smiled, shook their hands, posed for a few pictures, signed their poster and was whisked off to Casa Streisand/Brolin on Pt. Dume.

In a later exclusive interview with The Malibu Times, 8-year-old Hallie said she considers herself a “dyed-in-the-wool Democrat” and a long-time supporter of the President. Hallie was introduced to the Clinton administration in 1992 when she accompanied her parents to the President’s Inauguration. She told us she reminded the President that she had recently sent him an e-mail offering to give him her 4-H prize-winning guinea pig, complete with cage, in the event the President was considering going back to a more rural lifestyle after retirement.

The kids, mom and several neighbors, apparently all Democrats, told him they were going to miss him and wished him a great retirement.

A misty-eyed Hallie told the President, “I like you.” As we went to press we’ve had no word yet from the White House on the prospective status of the guinea pig.

Before leaving The Malibu Times offices, Hallie shook everyone’s hand so we’d all have a chance to shake the hand that shook the hand.