Dial-a-Ride Service Suspended in Malibu

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Local residents without their own means of transportation may be looking for a new way to get around, now that the city has announced Dial-a-Ride service in Malibu is on hold.

On Friday afternoon, the City of Malibu temporarily suspended its Dial-a-Ride program. The suspension is due to the Malibu Yellow Cab ceasing operation, according to a statement shared by the city.

The program was established primarily for Malibu residents ages 60 and older as well as people with disabilities and their transportation needs within city limits. The cab was also available to take them to medical appointments in nearby areas, including Santa Monica, West Los Angeles and San Fernando Valley. 

Costs were kept low, with fares ranging from $1-$4 one way.

Registered Dial-a-Ride participants have been contacted with the news, according to the city. It now looks to secure a new provider to keep the program going.