Letter: Spoonful of Thanks

Letter to the Editor

I moved to Malibu in 1986 when I was 61. I’m closing in on 90 now. It’s been a beautiful three decades and I think it’s time I expressed a little appreciation.

As the years piled up, some of my faculties began to take a hike … you know, misplaced car keys, glasses, grocery lists … that sort of thing. Once, I dropped my wallet in front of the bank. Before I could miss it, a call came from Marmalade Cafe. Someone had dropped it off knowing I go there a lot.

I believe Ralphs keeps a special drawer for the collection of credit cards I leave there on a regular basis, neatly bound up in rubber bands.

Last week, a good neighbor called to say she found my wallet in her front yard. How it got there, we’ll never know.

Short of a nursing home, this is as close to assisted living as one could get. Thanks to everyone for looking after me so well. When you get over the hill, I’ll try to do the same for you.

What a town!

Dick Van Dyke