Firefighters honored for rescuing dogs from cliff

{rtf1macansicpg10000cocoartf824cocoasubrtf480 {fonttblf0fswissfcharset77 Helvetica;} {colortbl;red255green255blue255;} margl1440margr1440vieww9000viewh8400viewkind0 pardtx720tx1440tx2160tx2880tx3600tx4320tx5040tx5760tx6480tx7200tx7920tx8640qlqnaturalpardirnatural f0fs24 cf0 Firefighters rescue two dogs who were stranded on cliffs Wednesday near the Big Rock Canyon area in Malibu. Photo by KTLA Channel 5 News.}

Four firefighters from the Los Angeles County Fire Department helped save two dogs who became stranded on cliffs Wednesday in the Big Rock Canyon area of Malibu, and now they will be honored for it. The organization People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is honoring the department with its “Compassionate Fire Department Award.”

“The compassion and heroism shown by the Los Angeles County Fire Department is an inspiration,” PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman said in a press release. Malibu is very fortunate to have first responders who are ready to protect and serve both human residents and their beloved animal companions.”

The dogs became broke out of their fenced-in backyard Wednesday and became stranded on the cliffs. Firefighters from Camp 8 of the Fire Suppression Camp Section, whose members are adept at scaling mountains, responded by climbing up the steep hillside. They rescued the frightened dogs and then carried them down one at a time to the bottom of the hill to their owners, a young boy and his father. The fire department will also receive a framed certificate and a letter of appreciation from PETA.

KTLA Channel 5 News has footage of the rescue on its website. Click on,0,7635968.story to view the video.