Escaping responsibility


The March 19 truck accident which closed Las Flores road near Hume for more than three hours is a terrifying example of how precarious it is for residents of Las Flores and Rambla Pacifico to be able to get out alive in case of a wildfire. Like Mr. Ziehm, I was also trying to get down to the PCH that day, but was forced to detour up Las Flores to Rambla Pacifico to Scheuren to Saddle Peak to Fernwood to Topanga Canyon to the PCH. The alternative would have been Las Flores to Rambla Pacifico to Piuma to Malibu Canyon to the PCH. If this had been a case of a wildfire, I definitely would have died.

It is unbelievable to me that the Malibu Planning Commission granted a permit in December to the Rambla Pacifico Homeowners Association to build a road connecting Rambla Pacifico to Pop’s Pass at Las Flores, and yet the board of the homeowners association on March 20 recommended that we homeowners “wait” to start construction so that the board could investigate whether they could possibly get a permit for either of two alternate routes.

We have already “waited” for 22 years for an emergency escape road! This is unconscionable and life-threatening. I am outraged that the board feels it can play with the lives of homeowners like this.

Julie Fusella