Contest: Family Passes to Nights of the Jack

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Nights of the Jack, a family-friendly Halloween experience at King Gillette Ranch in Calabasas, is back this year for socially distanced fun. The spooky spectacle, featuring thousands of hand-carved jack o’lanterns, has transformed into a drive-through event, and The Malibu Times will be giving out passes for two families to attend. Email your name, address and phone number to by 8 a.m. on Monday morning, Oct. 5, to be entered into the drawing. Passes will be good for the weekend of Oct. 8-11. 

Nights of the Jack runs at King Gillette Ranch, from:

Oct. 1–25: Thursday-Sunday, from 7–11 p.m.

Oct. 26 – Nov. 1: Monday-Sunday, from 6:30 –11 p.m.

The price is $69 per vehicle. More info is available at: