Meeting on Future of Malibu Bluffs Parkland Planned

Malibu City Hall

The City of Malibu is hosting a public special meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission on Tuesday, Sept. 1 to seek input on the future development of the Bluffs Parkland Project.

The Bluffs Parkland Project involves developing a park master plan as well as an environmental impact report on the future uses of the 83 acres of undeveloped land in and around Malibu Bluffs Park.

Possible future park elements may include athletic fields, dog parks, a community center and other recreational facilities. 

The Parks and Recreation Commission will take into consideration community feedback as well the limitations of the Bluffs Parkland site before providing recommendations to the City Council on setting design priorities for future plans.

The public is encouraged to attend. The meeting will take place at Malibu City Hall on Sept. 1 at 6 p.m.