Sirens: Malibu Crime Report Aug. 16-20

Crime Report

The following incidents were reported between 8/16-20:


Road Rage

A motorcyclist weaving through traffic intentionally hit the passenger side mirror of a vehicle on PCH.

Beach Burglary

Backpacks, a handbag, a suitcase and a laptop were stolen from a locked rental car parked along PCH.


Vehicle Burglary

The rear window of a Toyota was smashed on Malibu Road between 1-6 a.m.

Grab and Go

Two six-packs of beer were stolen from a convenience store on PCH and two suspects were later detained.


Lost Time

A Rolex watch was stolen from a night stand at a treatment center.

Mailbox Mischief

A mailbox on Morning View Drive was pried open overnight.