Letter: ‘Yes’ for Sills

Letter to the Editor

I met Laureen Sills (around 2002) when she was starting the Malibu Special Education Foundation (MSEF). I had served seven to eight years as Vice Chair of the SMMUSD Special Education District Advisory Council (SEDAC), representing Malibu as well as Santa Monica. After my son graduated from MHS, I asked Sills to take over a position on SEDAC so she could look out for Malibu. Sills accepted this position and went on to  improve the conditions for those with special needs, but also to nurture adult families and help them find the right resources. Also, through the MSEF many lives have been enriched.

Sills went on to be Governor Schwarzenegger’s appointee to the State Special Education Advisory Commission — therefore, helping those with special needs all over the state.

I have worked with Sills on other Malibu committees, and she uses the same rigor and enthusiasm to get things accomplished. A go-to person, Sills’ Malibu community service and experience is vast. Her endorsements, and help from them in the future, will benefit Malibu. Please refer to LaureenSills4Malibu.com to learn more about her Malibu goals, accomplishments and endorsements. For these reasons, my wife Shelley, son Andrew and I recommend Sills for Malibu City Council.

I have been a resident of Malibu for 29 years and have followed the politics. I do not believe a slate is healthy for our small, rich community. These gentlemen should have run on their own merits and not depend on the other — that gives too much power to three individuals, with decisions always going their way. After all, we really do not want Malibu acting like the United States Supreme Court.

David M. Kramer