Letter: False Sense of Accomplishment

Letter to the Editor

The Malibu Team (Wagner, Mullen and Peak) must be exhausted after all their proclaimed accomplishments. To name just a few, they claim they “outlawed smoking on Malibu beaches.” Really? That law passed in 2003, long before Wagner and Peak were on council and Mullen never was. Oh well, I’m sure they didn’t mean to take credit for something they had absolutely nothing to do with.

Let’s give them credit where it’s due. They say they “passed Measure R.” Indeed they did, but a judge found it unconstitutional on many counts. Not sure why they are so proud of supporting an illegal law, but don’t worry, now they promise us the Appeal’s Court will overrule a respected judge. If they are wrong again, it will be a $500,000 mistake. But, by then the election will be over and you’ll all forget they just wasted your money that might be better spent on acquiring land or improving roads.

The one I like the most is their claim that they “created events to finance and build Bluffs’ ball fields.” Are they kidding? I helped build those fields as a volunteer in 1977, probably before Peak was born. And in 2003, Barovsky, Jennings, Stern, Kearsley and House negotiated with the state to buy Bluffs Park. Again, none of them were anywhere to be seen. Who knows? With their record, they will probably shove Al Gore aside and claim they invented the internet.

I could go on, but what’s the point? The real problem is they want us to vote for all three so their puppet master John Mazza can control the city council. Believe me, the Malibu voter is much smarter than the Mazza Machine gives them credit.

Harry Truman once said, “It is amazing how much credit you can take if you don’t accomplish anything.”

Doug O’Brien