New Sheriff in Town

Lt. Jennifer Seetoo (left) with California Senator Henry Stern

Lt. Jennifer Seetoo, the newest Malibu representative of the Lost Hills Sheriff’s Station, held a Coffee with a Cop event at Vintage Grocers in Western Malibu on Tuesday, March 12. 

Eariler this month, on March 4, Seetoo was recognized as Woman of the Year for the 27th Senate District, headed by Malibu’s own Senator Henry Stern, for her performance as acting captain of the Malibu/Lost Hills Sheriff’s Station during the Woolsey Fire.

“Lieutenant Seetoo showed grace under fire when our community needed a steady hand. The Woolsey Fire was a no-win situation, but Lieutenant Seetoo never feared direct engagement with our hurting community, and showed the type of humility and diligence that are signs of true friendship,” Stern said, per a statement shared by his office.

It also stated Seetoo was among the first women to graduate from the LA County Sheriff’s Academy as an honor recruit.