P is for ‘loser’


    Are the Malibu Right to Vote promoters really that blind? Proposition P is a “loser” for Malibu. It has so many legal problems that developers for sure would take it to court — it’s their ace in the hole.

    Proposition P would be an A-plus victory for the developers, because they would win in court and Malibu residents would end up holding the legal bills and NO land for parks, open spaces, ballfields and wetlands.

    Proposition N would be a compromise for the developers and Malibu residents. They can build part of what they want, and we, the Malibu residents, get some land that we can distribute for ballfields, parks open space, and wetlands.

    Vote ‘No’ on Proposition P

    Vote ‘Yes’ on Proposition N

    James “Scottie” Scott