Malibu Ordinance Requires City Retailers to Charge Fee for Bags

Malibu City Hall

The Malibu City Council expanded the existing plastic bag ban. Effective on April 27, 2017 the Recycled Paper Bags Cost Pass-Through Ordinance requires retailers in the City of Malibu to collect a minimum 10 cent fee when they provide a recycled bag to their costumers. The City’s hope is that this fee will encourage costumers to switch to reusable bags to protect the environment and reduce waste.

The ordinance applies, in Malibu, to retailers, restaurants, grocery stores, pharmacies, vendors and non-profit vendors. The 10 cent fee per paper bag cannot be reimbursed to costumers and is not subject to California State sales tax. It will be kept by the stores and only used for purposes allowed by state law.

“This summer, I ask everyone in Malibu to BYOB – bring your own bag,” said Mayor Skylar Peak, according to a press release provided by the City. “The 10 cent fee for paper bags is a great way to motivate people to use re-usable shopping bags instead of single-use bags.”  

Malibu was one of the first cities in California to adopt a ban on single-use plastic shopping bags in 2008. Since then, the City has remained protective of the environment by maintaining the original ordinance. The City is committed to helping businesses transition to become more eco-friendly. For more information, visit or call the Malibu Environmental Programs Staff at 310.456.2489.