Letter: Data Check

Letter to the Editor

We write to correct data published Aug. 27 in The Malibu Times regarding vaccination rates at St. Aidan’s Preschool in “Vaccination rates remain low at several area schools.”

The school strives for 100 percent vaccination rates, which it achieved last year and plans to achieve this year. While we are unclear on the origin of the errors in the published data, the number of up-to-date students was inaccurate. The accurate data was two out of 18 had PBEs (personal-belief exemptions) on file, as reported in the PBE column. Sixteen out of 18 students were up to date, and the two children with PBEs left the school when asked to complete their vaccinations, leaving 16 out of 16 students with up to date vaccinations on file, or 100 percent of the enrolled students. 

We are currently enrolling students for the 2015-16 school year and have a baby group. We encourage all families with preschool-aged children to tour St. Aidan’s. We have a wonderful program to share with the community and want to reassure prospective families that the data published last week was erroneous. Please contact St. Aidan’s School at 310.457.8899 and come tour our beautiful campus and visit our nurturing programs.

Teri Sturges

Director of St. Aidan’s Preschool