Volunteers Needed for 2019 Malibu Homeless Count

A homeless man sits on a bench at the Malibu Colony Plaza.

The annual Malibu Homeless Count, part of the Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count, will take place this year on Thursday, Jan. 24, from 5-8 a.m. Volunteers are needed to work in groups of two or three in an assigned area of Malibu.

Last year, the count identified 155 individuals as homeless in Malibu.

The count provides an official picture of what homelessness looks like in Malibu and is used to help obtain government-funded services and housing. The count also enables officials to track year-to-year progress in ending homelessness in a given area.

All volunteers must be ages 18 and up, and all volunteers will be trained and provided with materials.

Volunteers are asked to first sign up online at theycountwillyou.org. Then, simply show up at 5 a.m. on Jan. 26 at Our Lady of Malibu Church (3625 Winter Canyon Road), where brief training will be provided, along with coffee and tea.

After being assigned to a group, the group will walk and/or drive to an assigned area in Malibu, look for people who appear to be experiencing homelessness and tally them. Volunteers are asked to “keep a respectful distance” from the people being counted. Once the count is completed, the group returns to the original meeting place to turn in the results.

For more information, contact Bianca Torrence at Bianca@Realtor.com or 310.456.7653.