Letter: Staying Seaside

Letter to the Editor

Steve Soboroff — the out-of-town developer — is leading the campaign against Measure R. Soboroff thinks we should leave all decisions regarding large commercial development to the City Council. I would like to remind the community, in 2003, all five City Council members voted for and aggressively supported the Malibu Bay Company Development Agreement (Measure M). If Measure M had passed, it would have led to development up and down PCH. It failed because the residents voted it down.

The developers are putting out a lot of misinformation about Measure R — urgent care, lawsuits and the movie theater. Please get the facts. Measure R is not complicated — it is about development and traffic. The developers want to make a buck at the expense of the quality of life of our residents.

In order to stop excessive development and keep Malibu a rural seaside community, please vote “yes” on Measure R.

Richard H. Carrigan

Former Chairman, Malibu Planning Commission