Letter: Déjà Vu

Letter to the Editor

I’m the mom who helped get Trancas Park built. I am proud to say it was worth every minute, and I occasionally even see some former opponents enjoying the dog park and picnic areas. Building the park taught me a lot about integrity, perseverance and civics. In hindsight, I can understand why some parents  “couldn’t support the park.” It was easier for them to listen to the horrible things being said and do nothing — the scare tactics were really powerful. 

Measure R is like a déjà vu of the park saga for me, and people are jumping on the bandwagon. The pictures of gridlock on PCH and photoshopped red buildings throughout the hillsides of our precious town look horrible. But think about it — who is going to drive all the way to Malibu for a pint-sized Whole Foods? The hotel idea is already dead, but the PR folks for Measure R ignore that. These are the same scare tactics that almost jeopardized the park. The City has spent countless hours working on a retail ordinance that will actually work to prevent what Measure R was written, but miserably fails, to do.

How many people have actually read the whole initiative? It’s long, confusing and scary. “Your Malibu, Your Decision” sounds great.  But if you read the entire document, you will see the many loopholes that will have unintended consequences. 

For instance, Measure R states it will “limit chain stores,” but the movie theater-shopping complex is exempt and is allowed to have 90% chain stores — more than double what the City’s ordinance would allow. Measure R could open the door to much greater commercial density than the City now allows. Presently, a landowner can only build a project on 15 percent of their land (85 percent must be left to open space). But with voter approval, the increased density has no limit. If Measure R passes, we can say goodbye to a new Urgent Care, Shane’s Inspiration playground and the movie theater. For these reasons and more, I am going to vote “no” on Measure R and I hope you will, too.

Justine Petretti