Mayor Peak Pushes for Citywide Rodenticide Ban

Bait Box

Anticoagulant rodenticides may become a thing of the past in Malibu, if Mayor Skylar Peak has his way. 

At Peak’s suggestion, City Council is scheduled to discuss a citywide ban on rodenticides during Monday night’s 6:30 p.m. council meeting at City Hall.

The rodenticides, which often come in the form of black “bait boxes,” are meant to kill rats and other rodents considered to be pests. However, they are now known to spread poison up the food chain to harm larger mammals.

Peak’s suggestion comes 16 months after council adopted a resolution “urging businesses in Malibu to no longer use or sell anticoagulant rodenticides, urging all property owners to cease purchasing or using anticoagulant rodenticides on their properties in Malibu and committing the City of Malibu to not use anticoagulant rodenticides as part of its maintenance program for City-owned parks and facilities” in July 2013.

The proposed action would amend the Local Coastal Program (LCP) to ban the use of anticoagulant rodenticides within the City of Malibu altogether.