Think housing, not space


    I’ve heard a lot of noble sentiments voiced about protecting the environment and preserving open space in terms of opposition to Ahmanson Ranch. And I’ve heard a lot of rhetoric about greedy land developers. But I’m convinced the real reason the opposition is so vocal simply boils down to selfishness. I’ve got mine and I really don’t care if anybody else gets theirs.

    Thousand Oaks is turning into a community of the old and the rich. There is hardly any moderately priced housing. There are no places for our children to live. We are forcing young people out of the area. And for the service workers who support our economy, there is nothing at all.

    The fact is, we don’t need more open space, we need more housing, and not just the million dollar mini-estates that still get approved all the time. We need a range of housing, and while Ahmanson Ranch isn’t going to single-handedly solve the problem, it’s a step in the right direction.

    It’s time for people to cut the rhetoric and see beyond the end of their noses.

    Bill Baron